{i hate drawers}

how many times have i dismissed something as not worth learning, without having tried learning it? i might be the most consummate egoist that i know. what a fucking epithet: most consummate egoist.

we watched julia child cook onion soup. black and white takes food porn down a notch--but what do i care? her show seemed more about relating a tradition than taking unseemly photos or gasping how good insert-whatever is. i don't think i'm old enough to appreciate nostalgia, but i definitely think that she had a lot more going for her than current network food shows. perhaps it was her savoir-faire?

we rearranged the living room (again). we turned our over-sized coffee table into a desk & work bench for husband's electronic stuffs. he likes the space--i like that it has no drawers.

i hate drawers.

we made our way over to a well-marketed indie bookstore. i hated the layout, but we found a cookbook comprised of recipes from santa fe restaurants. most of its recipes i'll never touch, but others, like red chile, carne adovada, & a souped-up posole, i am itching to try. & of course, i have to try my hand at some of those submitted by geronimo, ore house, & the steaksmith. oh god! the steaksmith!

i should really get back to cleaning the table. blagh.
